Our People

Workers are coming together to build power across Alphabet.

Our Members

Our union is over a thousand members strong and growing.
First Last
Lu Liu
Lu Liu
TJ Merripen
TJ Merripen
Michelle Curtis
Michelle Curtis
Leigh Angel
Leigh Angel

Our Staff

Our team of full-time staff organizers helps us build power.
First Last (She/Her)

Carmen was a rank-and-file union member and shop steward turned Organizer. She has a decade's worth of External, Internal, Political, and Community Organizing experience. Over the past 10 years, she has led several workers to victory and has yet to lose a campaign she has led or worked on. When Carmen is not organizing, she likes to spend time with her partner and children roller skating, playing video games, and drinking boba milk tea!

First Last (She/Her)

Carmen was a rank-and-file union member and shop steward turned Organizer. She has a decade's worth of External, Internal, Political, and Community Organizing experience. Over the past 10 years, she has led several workers to victory and has yet to lose a campaign she has led or worked on. When Carmen is not organizing, she likes to spend time with her partner and children roller skating, playing video games, and drinking boba milk tea!

First Last (She/Her)

Carmen was a rank-and-file union member and shop steward turned Organizer. She has a decade's worth of External, Internal, Political, and Community Organizing experience. Over the past 10 years, she has led several workers to victory and has yet to lose a campaign she has led or worked on. When Carmen is not organizing, she likes to spend time with her partner and children roller skating, playing video games, and drinking boba milk tea!

Sarah Koshar

Sarah is an organizer based in Brooklyn, NY. Previously she has organized within a variety of professions ranging from residential building workers to musicians to fast food workers. Outside of work she loves to spend time with her family, cook extravagant meals for community and care for her plants.

Ana Langone
Operations Director

Ana began working with the AWU Leadership and Staff Team in August 2022. She brings 12 years of union operations leadership and over 20 years of non-profit management experience to our Union in support of working people. Ana was inspired to work in social justice and labor by her Puerto Rican grandmother, who was a garment worker and leader in her own union, the ILGWU in New York City in the 1940s, and by her mother who broke glass ceilings as the only civilian woman GS-12 Contract Specialist for the US Navy in the 1970s.

Carmen Estefani

Carmen was a rank-and-file union member and shop steward turned Organizer. She has a decade's worth of External, Internal, Political, and Community Organizing experience. Over the past 10 years, she has led several workers to victory and has yet to lose a campaign she has led or worked on. When Carmen is not organizing, she likes to spend time with her partner and children roller skating, playing video games, and drinking boba milk tea!

Don Brown
IT Coordinator

Don is an experienced IT professional who has been working in the union industry for the last 22 years. Starting off as a part-time staff for SEIU he then became the Director of IT. After 18 years of directing IT with SEIU 521 he worked with SEIU 1021 as an IT Analyst. Now he has the privilege of being the IT Coordinator for Alphabet Workers Union, building a robust communication platform with today’s state of the art technology. In his spare time Don enjoys spending time with his family and friends including staying home and bbq’ing, going out to dinner, hiking, traveling and exploring the Boise area.

Matt Loveday
Organizing Director

Matt is an experienced union organizer, having spent nearly twenty years leading and winning campaigns to build power for working people. He previously led the organizing department of the Pacific Northwest’s largest private sector union. When not organizing workers, he tries to organize his home in Seattle, where he is joined by his wife, daughter, and an unruly German shepherd.

Hailey Huget

Hailey has been organizing for over 6 years and is experienced with both collective bargaining and pre-majority campaigns. Hailey got their start as an organizer when they were pursuing a PhD in Philosophy at Georgetown University, where they helped to found Georgetown’s graduate worker union. These days they live in Winston-Salem, NC, with their partner and dog. When she’s not working she spends time gardening, reading science fiction novels, and hiking.

Alexis Villabos

Before organizing, Alexis was a paralegal at various workers’ rights firms and worked on cases of discrimination, wrongful termination, contractor misclassification, and more. Since then, Alexis has organized SF janitors at SEIU Local 87, led grassroots electoral campaigns, and co-founded a community organization focused on building people power in his Bay Area home town. When he isn’t organizing, he’s singing karaoke and begging friends to try his cooking.

Shannon Wait

Shannon Wait joined AWU-CWA on launch day in 2021 as a Data Center Technician at a Google Data Center, becoming the first worker that members organized around after being suspended for organizing. Shannon joined the AWU staff in 2021 and now organizes workers at Data Centers, search and ads algorithm rating companies, and is focused on political organizing. Additionally, she worked on issue-based campaigns surrounding pay increases, creating communication between employers and employees, and ensuring chosen names are placed on badges for members of the LGBTQ+ community at Data Centers.

Lauren Shiel
Administrative Coordinator

Lauren is an administrative coordinator based in Atlanta, GA. Previous to joining the AWU staff, she had experience working with the Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW), the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC), and other movement groups organizing around workplace democracy. Outside of work and organizing, she enjoys spending time in nature with her partner and dogs, reading, traveling, and caring for her houseplants and garden.

Executive Board

Our executive board is elected by the membership.
First Last
Toni Allen
Alan McAvinney
Organizing Chair
Tahmid Rahman
Olivia Asemota
Vice President
Stephen McMurtry
Communications Chair
Parul Koul